Team Sledgemamma

Team Sledgemamma are long-time veterans of the IG-1 series, established when the IGPX was established. They are also the most well-known team in the IGPX. Their rough fighting style is said to be the strongest and meanest in the league, is also said to stick to the traditions set around the time of the birth of the IGPX and is also said to be like flammable embers. Team Sledgemamma is the only team who has been able to rival Team Velshtein, the team said to be the most evolutionary team of the IGPX.
Team Member Introductions

Yamma (Forward)
Voiced by Mark Hamill (ENG) and Keiji Fujiwara (JPN)
Yamma plays forward position on Team Sledgemamma. He is one if the toughest guys in the league, along with the rest of his team. He intimidates competitors and is very fierce during races. He also stays in shape and may be a bit older than the rest of the IG-1 members, but nobody messes with him.
Age: 31
From: USA
Height: 6 ft 4 in (192 cm)
Weight: 157 lb (71 kg)

Timma (Midfield)
Voiced by Dave Wittenberg (ENG) and Tatsuhisa Suzuki (JPN)
Timma plays midfield for Team Sledgemamma. Timma takes after his leader Yamma, and can have no objections. Timma still knows how to hold his own, keeping competitors at bay and is an overall excellent midfielder.
Age: 28
From: USA
Height: 6 ft 8 in (203 cm)
Weight: 152 lb (69 kg)

Dimma (Defense)
Voiced by Andre Ware (ENG) and Tomoyuki Shimura (JPN)
Dimma plays defense on Team Sledgemamma. He is one of the biggest and leanest guys in the league. He puts on a tough look for races, and still knows how to be appropriate for occasions. He is very true to his own character, but still knows his team's ability. He also knows how to cooperate with the team well.
Age: 29
From: USA
Height: 6 ft 9 in (205 cm)
Weight: 265 lb (120 kg)